The best and most practical way for veterinarians to manage their practice

Guiavet PRO was developed to provide veterinarians with easy access to all their patients’ records and documents whenever needed, wherever they are.
Click here to learn more about Guiavet PRO
Veterinário e funcionalidades do Guiavet PRO.

Organize your appointments and focus on what truly matters: your patients' health.


of the average veterinary appointment time is spent on filling out documents.


of veterinary ethical proceedings result from dogs’ and cats’ owners.


of errors related to medication take place when prescriptions are being filled.


reduction in working hours


pet owners registered


increase in treatment adherence

Why do I need Guiavet PRO?

Registro de atendimento
Save your patient’s records directly in the animal's profile without losing any time or essential data.
Access to an exclusive telemedicine platform created for vets, with automatic consent terms for pet owners.
Reduce 20% of the time spent on writing, sending, and saving documents.
Assinatura digital
The only platform with a built-in qualified digital signature certificate FOR FREE.

Benefits of Guiavet PRO

Make the most of the time you have
image showcasing the funcionalities on the perspective of the pet owner plus notifications from vet
  • Capture the information about the pet remotely through Guiavet App and save time during the appointment!

  • Don't miss anything: create your appointment records, documents, and prescriptions, and send them to the owner with just one click—no need to print or leave it for later. Everything is automatically saved on the pet’s profile!

Safety is a must for us
image showcasing documents being signed digitally by the veterinarian plus security with required terms
  • Prescribe medications without the risk of drug interactions and contraindications with our Smart Prescription: Besides being able to prescribe medication, you can count on a built-in drug interaction checker!

  • Keep your documents safe and secure when needed: we use the same technology used in banks to ensure you don’t have any issues.

  • If the internet goes down or you run out of time to finish, there’s no problem: we save everything you fill out for you to finish later.

  • We are the only platform for veterinary telemedicine that includes the required terms for pet owners to accept before the appointments - so you are always protected.

  • The digital certificate for signatures is included and embedded: no need to buy it with another company! Our platform already includes a cloud-based digital signature with an A3 certificate directly in our product.

Bureaucracy doesn’t need to be part of your routine
image showcasing auto save and filling documents
  • Save up to 20% of your time filling, archiving, and sending documents to pet owners.

  • No more expenses on printing! Send documents directly to the owner through Guiavet App, WhatsApp, or email.

  • Patient records need to be kept for at least 5 years after the last appointment, but they don't need to take up space in your home or clinic: all your documents are securely and neatly stored in the cloud with Guiavet PRO!

Guiavet in the media

Link para matéria sobre o Guiavet no Valor EconômicoLink para matéria sobre o Guiavet no EstadãoLink para matéria sobre o Guiavet no Pequenas Empresas e Grandes NegóciosLink para matéria sobre o Guiavet na RecordLink para matéria sobre o Guiavet na VitatLink para matéria sobre o Guiavet no CBNLink para matéria sobre o Guiavet no DraftLink para matéria sobre o Guiavet no Vida de Bicho