Improve the Quality and Quantity of Your Appointments

Keep your contacts private and offer a chance to be closer to your patient’s care. Reduce the time between visits and improve your routine with telemedicine.

I want to learn more about Guiavet PRO
Veterinária e funcionalidades do Guiavet PRO

Benefits of Guiavet PRO

Access to pet documents during the appointment
Secure telemedicine platform with automatic consent forms.
Registro rapido
Quick and secure registration of conversations.
Assinatura digital
The only one with built-in qualified digital signatures, without the need for additional expenses.

Explore Guiavet PRO's Features

Atendimento online

Online appointments

You can schedule calls with your clients and have online appointments through a secure and intuitive telemedicine platform.

Security and Clarity

Ensure the pet owner's understanding of the limitations of online appointments and their acceptance of the terms and conditions.

Canais de comunicação

Communication Channels

Create a new way to communicate with your client through the pet owner's app and ensure proper record-keeping of chat appointments and the privacy of your phone number.

I want to try Guiavet PRO